Web Development
This is where a significant portion of my brain juice goes. I have spent many years developing my skills in everything from front end design, to complete database driven, dynamic websites. The common thread with all of the projects that I engage in is problem solving. Whether graphic, programatic, strategic, or hypothetic, there is nothing that makes me giggle like the feeling of solving a problem. Although I have the ability to do a lot of things myself, I prefer to work in teams of like minded, creative, problem solvers. Where a single problem solved by a single person creates a single snicker, a multitude of problems solved by a team of people creates a glorious guffaw.
While graphic design and coding are part of the equation, there is a great deal of strategic thought and usability experience at work in the solutions that I provide. Sometimes there is a requirement for project management and teamwork, and other times it is a 'Rambo' mission. Either way, I enjoy the process, and love what I do.
Below are just a few of the projects that I have worked on over the last few years. Some of them required minimal involvement on my part but most of them were designed, architected, and coded by me.
Please click on a thumbnail to read more about the process.